Monday, April 4, 2011

Komodo Dragons Endangered

Causes of Endangerment of the Komodo Dragon

Hunting and Habitat Loss
The current population of Komodo dragons seems relatively stable at about 5,000 animals, yet scientists are concerned that only 350 of them are breeding females. This may be a normal sex ratio; little is known about the species. The dragon's limited distribution makes them highly susceptible to natural or human-caused events, such as storms, fire, or disease.
The primary threats to the dragon's survival include illegal hunting and loss of habitat to human settlement. As was the case with most large, spectacular animals the world over, Komodo dragons were sought as trophies by big-game hunters. They also are killed for skins and feet to make novelties. Early in this century, many Komodo dragons were trapped for sale to zoos and private collectors.

Fanta GP Says: Komodo Dragons are awesome!

- Please don't kill me

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